The foundation of Smart Choices

The foundation of Smart Choices can be found in the six focus areas, or long-term directions, of the NCC Sustainability Framework.

Illustration of NCC:s sustainability goals.

Climate and energy

NCC strives to eliminate emissions from the entire value chain, increase energy efficiency and enable adaptation to climate change. At NCC, we replace fossil fuels with renewable or fossil-free energy sources. One step at a time, we are approaching the goal of being climate neutral by 2045.

Read more about our sustainability work

Natural resources and Biodiversity

NCC strives for a sustainable management of resources, to ensure well-functioning ecosystems and a responsible use of natural resources. We implement measures to enhance biodiversity in our quarries and gravel pits.

Read more about NCC Kielo

Materials and circularity

NCC strives to close material flows and prioritize the use of sustainable materials and products, minimize and responsibly manage the waste created in the construction process, and design and construct to enable recycling and reuse. Our newly manufactured asphalt consists largely of recycled asphalt.

Learn more about CO2-reduced asphalt production

Learn more about Recycled Asphalt

Health and Safety

NCC must be a safe, secure and healthy working environment. Workplace safety affects everyone in our value chain, from employees to management, from customers to shareholders. It is therefore our biggest priority to push the work when it comes to eliminating both accidents and occupational injuries.

Read more about Health and Safety

Read more about NCC Responsible Site

People and Teams

NCC strives to recruit, develop and retain the most competent people in the industry, support the development of high-performing teams, and work to ensure that no one is excluded on unfair grounds or due to unconscious bias.

Read more about People and Teams

Ethics and Compliance

NCC shall act in accordance with the highest ethical standards and with transparency and be a reliable partner throughout the value chain. NCC stands for fair trade. We do not tolerate corruption and give authorities full transparency into our operations. Our purchases and supply chain operate according to the highest ethical standards. What we expect from ourselves, we expect from our business partners.

Read more about Ethics and Compliance